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Old May 7th, 2012, 04:43 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

so it is said by someone that i:

1) am a "dbag"
2) quit games before defeated
3) quit games when cant win

in order:

1) i cant argue about that because its more of an attitude of him (however it was) towards me then a statement about my behavior.

2) this opinion formed (in the corresponding person, i wouldnt say "forums") one and a half year ago, when i - as a beginner - enthusiasticly dived into many games, and found myself overwhelmed by the time and energy requirements of (multiple) endgames, and jumped out of many within a short period, then took a half year off. all of the games that tried to, found replacement.

3) it was calahan's theory about my reasons for quitting (some kind of projection, i guess). my in-game position wasnt among the aspects i considered when was about to quit. its hard to check now, but in most of the games i quit then, i was in about second-leading, good position. interesting fact, that calahan (who is in my opinion is at the root of it) wasnt participating in any of my games, yet he got touched by it emotionally most.

yes, i have a degree in psychology.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 04:47 PM

parone parone is offline
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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

incidentally, lego, hope you don't get caught in the crossfire. as i stated before(but Dr Dbag here must have missed it as he was parsing for clues as to my mental state) i was mistaken when i said you were allied. so for the record(and the second time) i have no prob with you.

in honor of you, Dr Earwax, i have decided to roll play the rest of my remaining games as if i have gone insane! you can even check them if you don't beleive me. since this game became no fun, i am going to use your assertion that i am not ok mentally to make the other games a blast!

incidentally, i should thank you Dr. SelfAgrandizement. you did teach me a bit about being more cautious in diplomacy. also, i met some nice people that had some funny stories.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 04:49 PM

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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

wasn't one dude Dr. was more than one.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 05:24 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

I feel honoured that I'm worthy enough for the great Dr to mention me by name. Never felt so humbled. And since you called...

...yes I am one of those who PM-ed parone, award yourself a cookie, but as he points out I am just one of those who did. And I did so as I thought he might be interested, as others may, in knowing about some of your own glorious playing history.


And it's odd you should say...
Originally Posted by earcaraxe View Post
...interesting fact, that calahan (who is in my opinion is at the root of it) wasnt participating in any of my games, yet he got touched by it emotionally most.
As I was playing in the Preponderance 2 game when you bailed, as such I was directly participating.

I was the organiser and admin of the newbie game GreenShoots that you tried to join while having 3 wins under your belt, and so clearly not a newbie, even though you made pathetic claims you still were. So while not participating, I was certainly heavily involved in that game.

I was the player who eventually had to take over your Mictlan position in the Pyrite game which you bailed on, shortly after Blackguard kindly subbed for you. And neither of us would have needed to sub if you hadn't walked out on the game. As such I became an unwilling participant in another game you tried to de-rail.

So to say I wasn't participating, and thereby infering, I wasn't involved in any of the many games you bailed on is just another of your many lies.

And for the record I do not believe any of the reasons you are claiming for bailing on those games, as none of them match what you were saying at the time, and in each game I know details about you walked out either instantly after a heavy battle loss (Prep 2) or once you realised you couldn't win (Pyrite). And I have no reason to think your real reasons for walking out on the other games were any different to those, because that is the type of player you are, as your playing history demonstrates. You also have no creditable record for telling the truth, as all your history is littered with lies. So as far as I'm concerned that is the default starting point for anything you say. You have a huge collection of black marks next to your name, so why you think anyone should believe your side of things is baffling.

But I'm sure you don't care what I think just like I don't care what you think. Plus you are likely too busy to care since you need to pad out your HoF win total by playing in more newb games, or by organising small private games and only inviting players you have beaten in the past.

As it's interesting that there seems to have been several mid-level games arranged over the past 18 months on these forums, and yet you didn't sign up for any of them, preferring each and every time to stick to newb games and hand-picked invitationals against players you've beaten several times before. Surely an up-coming player like you should be chomping at the bit to play against the better players in the community. Or maybe your plan is to get to the top of the HoF without actually ever playing against a single decent player? Certainly seems that way, but then I've heard beating up newbs is mega cool and lots of fun, so I have no doubt you'll just continue to do that. If you're not too busy psycho-analysing people that is. (check the mirror for your next patient, and try and get him to stop lying)

Last edited by Calahan; May 7th, 2012 at 05:48 PM..
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Old May 7th, 2012, 05:45 PM

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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

that was quite a blast calahan. i think i'll try to stay on your good side...
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Old May 7th, 2012, 05:53 PM

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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

also, i like that you say calahan was 'touched emotionally' by your actions. man, that is some great stuff. what would you charge me to come sit on your couch and get an assesment?

i actually know a guy who is a psychiatrist who is one of the coolest people i know. other than the fact that he is very empathetic an helpful you'd never know he is a mental health professional.

on the other hand i used to go to these dinner parties with my ex(yes, Dr EarAss, i am divorced. more ammo for you) and there was a woman there that was a licensed psychologist. different animal, that girl. she had a tendency to psychoanalyze everyone and thought we were all very impressed. we weren't of course. since i don't know you really, i guess i won't hazard a guess as to which one of these people you resemble.

well, ok, i already guessed. but i'm sorry. i shouldn't have. i just couldn't help it!

anywhooo, let's all put this ugly thing to bed. although i must admit, i've gotten some great laughs the last 48 hours or so from a lot of different directions(one guy was in south east asia i think, that's a long way!)

and to all those that went on the anti EarAxe rampage on the IRC, i have to say, that was fun. but you guys were a little brutal, even for me.
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Old May 7th, 2012, 05:53 PM

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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

Originally Posted by parone View Post
that was quite a blast calahan. i think i'll try to stay on your good side...
History suggests you'd do well to heed your own advice

Edit -
Originally Posted by parone View Post
and to all those that went on the anti EarAxe rampage on the IRC, i have to say, that was fun. but you guys were a little brutal, even for me.
What!!! Why didn't anyone fecking call me for this? I'm only an email away you know, and I would have been there within seconds for a good party. You selfish b'statds know how much I like a good rant, and so you all purposely kept me out of the loop. Geez how could you treat me like this, call yourself my friends do you. I'm hurt guys, I'm hurt. Emotionally so.

Last edited by Calahan; May 7th, 2012 at 06:05 PM..
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Old May 8th, 2012, 08:54 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

omg, calahan, here u go again. this topic has been discussed a year ago with ur false statements and misinterpretations already.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 11:35 AM

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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

wasn't part of the 'year ago stuff' as i am a newbie. that said, calahan's unsolicited opinion seems to parallel your current behavior.

and the fact that you troll newbie games in search of ez wins is undeniable(even though you are trying to deny it)

therefor, i must conclude that you are exactly who you appear to be(and who you have been painted as in this thread)

you know, there is always the option of trying to be less of a jerk. instead of trying to pretend you aren't a jerk. saying that not to be mean, but because it IS a legit option. and while i don't have a psych degree, i know that you'd probably like yourself better if you acted a little better.

finishing on a positive note here(mom always says to try to say something nice in these situations): i really did think the name trigger hippie was cool.
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Old May 8th, 2012, 01:04 PM

Hrum Hrum is offline
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Default Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]

Originally Posted by parone View Post
finishing on a positive note here...
Are you telling me I should put the popcorn away now? Because I've got more popcorn if you guys aren't done yet...
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