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Old May 24th, 2012, 02:47 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
I'll try to post the bit of backstory by the time we start... Once we get going, I can't make any promises about story updates, at least not before the final conclusion.
As much as I like in-character posts since this is a no-diplo game it would probably be better to have a starting in-character post and then wait until the end anyway.

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
I always get easy indies and awesome unexpected events then have the opposite luck when the real game starts.
Lol. I find that happens with my pretender builds. Literally every time I take rainbow that, combined with my national mages, can forge/summon anything I'd want, I find indie mages that could have done most of what I wanted my pretender to do. When I just go with scales/bless and limited diversity I don't find any good indie mages.

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
As for Eriu, along with its early age cousin and Last of the Tuatha in Dom2, there is probably no nation that I've played more.
You know, I never tried the LoT theme in Dom2 (only played SP in those days but, like you, now only play MP). Did they have Tuatha and/or Sidhe Lords with the same paths as now? Not that I would have thugged them out anyway as in those days I was troop focused and mainly went with something like F9W9 Vans or played Aby and spammed soul contracts.

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
As you might guess from the name, I am kind of fond of Irish mythology. For the same reason, I've probably played Fomoria in more multi-player games than any other nation.
Yes, I kind of figured that from the name and wanting to play Eriu in Nations. I don't know much about Irish mythology but I like the theme of the nations. Not as much as the theme of the heims but TNN/Eriu is pretty much a perfect fit for my preferred style of play so these days I play them more than Van. Giant nations are not my thing so I've never played Fomoria and only played Jotun once.

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
As for the Nations game, I was happy to let Buzzsaw keep my position as I've been trying to get him back into playing. We used to play with a couple of other co-workers. Since our desks are about five feet from each other, he let me see many of his turns so I could sort of keep playing vicariously through him. It was actually a lot of fun.
I got the impression he had a lot of fun with that game which of course I was glad about as my main goal when admining a game is that people enjoy themselves. Though I'm afraid I wasn't the most useful ally against Ulm and Man since I never recovered from losing my army outside the gates of Arco.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 10:27 PM
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

I hadn't thought of the violation of the diplomacy part of RP posts. I think I'll just hold off then until the end and submit it as sort of an RP-AAR. That way too I don't have to worry about how much of my build is revealed in the story either.

As for Last of the Tuatha in Dom2, my recollection is that it is the spitting image of Tir Na N'Og in the early age of Dom3. I definitely remember Sidhe Champions, Sidhe Lords, and Ri with almost if not absolutely identical paths.

I wasn't too focused on that part of the game then, though. I tended to issue magical items based on merit for instance. One item per yellow star and a full suit for a red star. Other items issued based on valor in combat, that sort of thing. And, I never scripted at all until I played MP.

And, Buzzsaw definitely had fun in the Nations game. I thought I had a pretty good shot of getting him to join this game though at the cost of not being able to work on my turn during lunch hours. Unfortunately, he decided just this week he was taking a break from all kinds of gaming for a bit to get some things done. Perhaps he'll be in for the next one.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 06:22 AM

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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

Mmmm any chance I can play MA Jomon (Shatner's/Legowarrior's mod)?

If there are balance issues then I will go for Shinuyama. I am feeling oriental today...
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Old May 25th, 2012, 03:11 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
I hadn't thought of the violation of the diplomacy part of RP posts. I think I'll just hold off then until the end and submit it as sort of an RP-AAR. That way too I don't have to worry about how much of my build is revealed in the story either.
Ok, that makes sense. Looking forward to it.

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
I wasn't too focused on that part of the game then, though. I tended to issue magical items based on merit for instance. One item per yellow star and a full suit for a red star. Other items issued based on valor in combat, that sort of thing. And, I never scripted at all until I played MP.
Wow, your heroes had to work hard for their equipment. As far as the scripting goes, well, I guess that's one way to equalize things with AI. Though it would make me sad to have a nice hero with full gear and have the AI suicide him because it just decides to cast spells rather than engage in melee.

Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
And, Buzzsaw definitely had fun in the Nations game. I thought I had a pretty good shot of getting him to join this game though at the cost of not being able to work on my turn during lunch hours. Unfortunately, he decided just this week he was taking a break from all kinds of gaming for a bit to get some things done. Perhaps he'll be in for the next one.
Lol, I was hoping you might get him to join. But maybe we'll catch him next time around.

Originally Posted by shard View Post
Mmmm any chance I can play MA Jomon (Shatner's/Legowarrior's mod)?

If there are balance issues then I will go for Shinuyama. I am feeling oriental today...
Welcome! I'd like to stick to base game nations so I'll sign you up for Shin.

I'll post an updated mod soon. In addition to removing gem gens and making darkness require D5 I'm making one significant change and removing the MR negates from Iron Bane (it will now require E5 and 5 gems). I was thinking about pretender builds and it occurred to me that high MR troops combined with an S bless or antimagic could basically become immune to iron bane. That means it would go from a spell that had the drawback of also harming your own troops to one that would largely only effect the enemy. That's definitely not what I was aiming for so I'm going back to my original plan of just making it more difficult and much more expensive to cast (making it MR negates was a last minute addition before I posted the mod and even then I wasn't sure it was a good idea).

One last thing: I'm thinking of switching my nation from Eriu to Caelum. I'd really like to use the various monster and thug summons but don't really trust myself not to keep using the glamoured thugs I like so much if I have them available. Playing Caelum will force me to use them as they don't have recruitable thugs. And it seems like there could be a nice synergy between flying monstrums and dragons and Caelian units. I'll miss the sleath aspect of Eriu but I also like mobility and Caelum has tons of that. I'll decide for sure by the time I post the updated mod.

Last edited by Valerius; May 25th, 2012 at 03:22 PM.. Reason: Corrected cost of iron bane
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Old May 25th, 2012, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

You should hurry up. The longer this is in stasis, the more players will leave.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 07:09 PM

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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

Done! Everyone please download the new mod file from the first post. The filename is the same so you can just replace the old one. You'll know you have the new one when you "v2" at the end of the name when looking at the list of mods in-game.

The game will be setup on the server shortly. Final player count is 7, so with a 12-15 prov/player average we're looking for a map of around 90 provinces. A little water would be nice to break up the terrain and provide a place to summon things like krakens but we don't want too much. I'll start looking around, suggestions also welcome.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 07:10 PM

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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

Oh, and I will be giving Caelum a try. Never played them before so this should be interesting (i.e. likely a disaster ).
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Old May 25th, 2012, 07:26 PM

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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

Game is ready for pretenders. Please remember you only need the game mod active when creating your pretender since it includes CBM.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 07:59 PM

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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

CORRECTION: Of course right after I uploaded the mod to the server I realized I forgot to make the changes to leprosy. I'll have to upload it again but that means I'll also need to change the file name. Please download FadedMagic3 from the first post and when looking in your list of mods you'll see "v3" at the end of the name of the version of the mod you'll want active when creating your pretender.
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Old May 26th, 2012, 02:24 AM

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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Design pretenders

A couple of map options:

Realm of Many Tomatoes

The Land of Ethereal Squirrels

There is a version of Ethereal Squirrels on the server that has 7 fixed starts. I don't know where those starts are placed but I figure they're almost certainly better than what the game would assign.

But I'm kind of curious to try Tomatoes since I've never played on this map before. If we went with this one I'd remove the outside ring of water provinces. We could either gamble on random start locations or decide on fixed start locations with the drawback that we'd know where all the caps were located.
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