Originally Posted by rdonj
You've also missed an AoE water spell and an AoE astral spell that are UW castable.
Nether Bolt (for those with S + D) & Crushing Pressure ? OK, I can see them on my list, thank you.
I replayed one of the battles, where my troops attacked one turn and then fled. Opposing front liners were undead but not fear. That seems to have happened several times. I think what happened is that my commander fled from the back (after some long-distance fear spells against him, I saw he had a Morale-5 injury, you can't be sure from the battle screen when troops break morale, can you?). Might be obvious to you guys, but I hadn't been thinking that my commander fleeing would just pull troops with him....
When fighting undead hand-to-hand, if they don't show Fear icon then there's nothing special about them (they might tend to be ethereal, which makes it tougher, but there's nothing in meleeing undead in itself), is that right?