Random nations - (all nations included)
Also on Dom3mods forum and punta de lanza
Punta de lanza
Talon in Llamaserver
send your pretender file to
pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net with the subject of the email: "Talon" (without quotes)
Single age Complete (original mod)
CBM 1.92 EDM
Streamers & Standards
Treaties are private & exclusive inside the signers.
An other option is to make it public in the thread when it's signed to avoid future discussions if theres a pact-break you have some record.
No special conditions or house rules
if you are playing for fun (and to win the game) you are welcome.
Players (18)
(Names are actually links tought to private message regarding diplomacy)
Torin - LA Mictlan 2º
tratorix - LA Patalaº
YellowCactus - EA Kailasa 2º
HoleyDooley - MA Pangaea 1º
Ghoul31 - EA Pangaea 1º
skymoon - MA Vanheim 1º
Ragnarok-X - MA Oceania 2º
Hurmio - EA Niefelheim 2º
Tiavals - EA Helheim 1º
Jolly Roger - EA Mictlan 2º
Silvano - EA Ermor 2º
lorddragonhat - EA Lanka 1º
Arameyan - MA Pythium 1º
redmage - LA Utgard 1º
himselfbh - LA Ctis 1º
homura - EA Agartha 1º
Danayel - EA Abysia 2º
lourdes - LA Abysia 1º
Every player has the chance to ask for a second roll if th first is not wanted. If so he has to stick with the 2nd roll.