Hello everyone! First of all, thank you very much with your patience with my delays and stales. I'm right in the beginning of a very complicated and arduous project whilst preparing for qualifying exams

That said, we have a bit of an issue. Not to talk about Mictlan as if you were not there (Hi Yellow Cactus, I think you are swell!) but we need to talk about Mictlan. Arcane Nexus is pretty bad.
I have a god sitting at astral 9 and I tried giving it a dispel with 47 gems extra, and it did not work, which gave me a case of the frowns. If people would be willing to contribute astral gems, I can use them for a single awesome dispel attempt.
Secondly, we should probably make with the peace and the taking out Mictlan. This goes double for you, Pangea

Let me know if you want to contribute to my dispel attempt, and have an excellent evening. Again Yellow, sorry for the call to arms, but your position is really strong. Without a concerted attack you may well win. Even WITH said attack, you may well win.