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Old June 8th, 2013, 03:12 AM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Does anyone have any spare Boots of the Messenger they can send my way this turn? I'll pay the upfront cost and a fair fee on top of it if you can. Please PM me if you're interested.
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Old June 8th, 2013, 03:13 AM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

If anyone has boots of the messenger they can send my way this turn, I'll gladly pay the crafting cost and a fair fee on top of it. Please PM me if you're interested.
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Old June 8th, 2013, 10:15 PM

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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Guys could we add another 24 hours on the timer for several turns. I didnt manage to get my turn in time coz things here are pretty busy:S
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Old June 9th, 2013, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

I added 24-hours to the clock. The new hosting time for turn 62 is 01:56 GMT on Thursday June 13th.

I might have trouble remembering to add 24-hours to subsequent turns. Do you want me to increase the interval to 96-hours instead?
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Old June 10th, 2013, 05:25 AM

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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Hi thx I lot I think 13th of June is perfect in terms of timing I'll have enough time to finish one of my assignments
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Old June 19th, 2013, 06:30 PM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Bye, everyone! It's been a fun game. To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed by how I did in the endgame - I don't think I had a single successful battle, just a stream of successive losses. Revenant2 has indicated he feels that LA C'tis is poorly-equipped against MA Ermor, but I'm not sure I agree. Patala dealt the killing blow though, honestly, when they took out my main army with half a dozen Earthquakes I wasn't prepared for. I don't think I'd have won against revenant2 - especially not with the attitude regarding LA C'tis's viability versus them that I had then - but it would have been much closer than the mop-up that the war turned out to be.

My primary issue throughout the game was money, which I think was partly just luck and partly poor pre-game strategy. (My tactical blunders were all my own.) This impacted both my number of mages and my number of Tomb Guards, who serve as excellent chaff. This, combined with my focusing on other uses of D gems than the priest summons, and the destruction of my main army, lead to a disastrous lack of chaff - certainly not enough to deal with Ermor's hordes.

I think I was pretty much doomed when I selected my pretender, though. I decided to experiment with a gem-generating pretender who acted as a quasi-rainbow. He honestly wasn't very useful; I don't think the gems I got (1N and 1D per turn from the start of the game) was worth having to sacrifice scales (and thus money) and expansion potential (and thus both money and more gems).
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Old June 19th, 2013, 09:55 PM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by Darkwind View Post
Bye, everyone! It's been a fun game. To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed by how I did in the endgame - I don't think I had a single successful battle, just a stream of successive losses. Revenant2 has indicated he feels that LA C'tis is poorly-equipped against MA Ermor, but I'm not sure I agree. Patala dealt the killing blow though, honestly, when they took out my main army with half a dozen Earthquakes I wasn't prepared for. I don't think I'd have won against revenant2 - especially not with the attitude regarding LA C'tis's viability versus them that I had then - but it would have been much closer than the mop-up that the war turned out to be.

My primary issue throughout the game was money, which I think was partly just luck and partly poor pre-game strategy. (My tactical blunders were all my own.) This impacted both my number of mages and my number of Tomb Guards, who serve as excellent chaff. This, combined with my focusing on other uses of D gems than the priest summons, and the destruction of my main army, lead to a disastrous lack of chaff - certainly not enough to deal with Ermor's hordes.

I think I was pretty much doomed when I selected my pretender, though. I decided to experiment with a gem-generating pretender who acted as a quasi-rainbow. He honestly wasn't very useful; I don't think the gems I got (1N and 1D per turn from the start of the game) was worth having to sacrifice scales (and thus money) and expansion potential (and thus both money and more gems).
Don't sell yourself short DW, your defenders did a considerable amount of damage to my army. It's difficult to tell from the army graphs (due to the number of undead I'm generating), but I took fairly heavy losses. Admittedly, it was mostly my chaff, although you nearly wiped out one of my armies when you first unleashed Heat from Hell, which was an unpleasant surprise.

I was so concerned about my losses that I spent great effort planning each of those fortress battles in microscopic detail to minimize my losses. That last battle, for instance, I made sure I maximized reinvigoration on my Thaums and cast regeneration so they could fight through the heat and poison that I knew was coming and used my lower tier chaff to soak up your Dust to Dust spam. I also made sure to preach before each battle to lower your morale and made lots of adjustments to the initial spell lay-out.

The reason I think C'tis is ill suited to fight MA Ermor is because Ermor excels at killing undead with banishment. This might seem counter-intuitive, but all of my mages have Holy 2 or Holy 3, which is greatly magnified with communions. For instance, In a 24-thaum reverse communion with 16 slaves and 8 masters backed by Power of the Spheres this translates into 16 3H, 6 H6, and 2 H7 casters, which will melt the faces right off most undead.

You were actually my number one target from the beginning of the game for this very reason, but I couldn't attack until much later because I had my hands full with Ulm and R'lyeh.

In terms of scales, I would have had a much rougher go of it if you had been able to mass Sauromancers. I'm a firm believer of the more scales policy. More money = More Fortresses = More Mages = More Undead = More Research.

Well, maybe not research. Except for Nief, I had terrible research for most of the game. By the time I got to construction 8 there wasn't a single epic item I could forge. The only reason I researched it was because I thought you had it (I saw a Tart with no afflictions) and I might be able to forge it after you got knocked out. Alas, it's still unavailable.
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Old June 19th, 2013, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

I'm not sure I did considerable damage if the chaff you generate in a turn nearly outweighs the damage I do To any other nation the losses from, for example, taking my capital would have been catastrophic, but I never even managed to dent your army's total size.

I don't think LA C'tis is necessarily reliant on their undead chaff (as opposed to somebody like LA Agartha, where your base troops really aren't worth using). Certainly you'll often see LA C'tis relying on hordes of Tomb Chariots, but that's not a necessity, and you can get along just fine with Desert Rangers, City Guards and (in CBM) Falchioneers, though the lack of predator lizards from earlier eras does hurt. If I had had enough gold (there it goes again!) I could have gone from a majority Tomb Chariot army to a more mixed army without too much trouble if I found Banishment spam too dangerous, and you should be recruiting as many Desert Rangers as you can anyways as LA C'tis. Also, LA C'tis's undead aren't necessarily easy to banish - Tomb Chariots have base MR 11, and Tomb Wyrms base MR 16 (plus a boatload of health), and C'tis has the same national undead buff spells as Ermor does. I actually had a small group of Tomb Wyrms set to Guard Commander to attract banishment spam in the last battle (though they didn't do much of anything, sadly). They're quite good at it indeed, and had I positioned the wights a bit further back they could probably have eked out a few more turns for me to spam Wither Bones.

I honestly think Ermor comes out the worse in this matchup - every Sauromancer having access to Wither Bones is absurdly powerful, and I think my losses were due more to sheer numbers, both of thaumaturgs and of longdead horsemen, as well as my own misplays, than to a strategic advantage Ermor holds over C'tis.

fake edit: I just realized I said Tomb Guards earlier when I meant Desert Rangers. To clarify, Tomb Guards are heavier, but Desert Rangers have mapmove 2 and are thus better.
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Old June 20th, 2013, 02:12 AM
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Originally Posted by Darkwind View Post
I honestly think Ermor comes out the worse in this matchup - every Sauromancer having access to Wither Bones is absurdly powerful, and I think my losses were due more to sheer numbers, both of thaumaturgs and of longdead horsemen, as well as my own misplays, than to a strategic advantage Ermor holds over C'tis.
Sauromancers are certainly powerful, but take into account that they are nearly twice as expensive as Thaums and Ermor's undead are basically free and geneated en-masse in battle, so any match-up is going to be inherently lopsided in terms of numbers all things being equal. The success will come down to whether they can kill enough undead fast enough before they become exhausted.
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Old June 23rd, 2013, 08:55 AM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running

Could I ask for a 24hr extension? Thx in a advance.
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