Hi all,
First I want to present myself: I'm 43 from Paris and pretty new to wargaming. The only tactical turn based wargame I've played before is Flight Commander 2. I bought WinSPMBT and WinSPWW2 enhanced editions and at this stage I have read the manual and played the tutorial scenario.
The reason why I chose WinSPMBT and WinSPWW2 vs SP World At War:

I find it amazing that 15+ years after the initial release, the game is still alive and supported by the developpers and the community

The graphics (interface, maps, icons) looks better and are more classical than SP World At War which besides lack the hex grid

Better compatibility with Windows 7

The developers seems closer to the community
My question:
Why did you choose WinSPMBT/WinSPWW2 vs SP World At War by Matrix?
PS: thanks to the administrator/moderator who validated quickly my registration to this forum.