Originally Posted by EpoletovSPR
Thank you, I know it.
Steel Panthers so good that you do not know what awaits you in the new battle.
SP a great replayability !
At the moment helicopters in the right hands can be too much.
This reduces replayability so I always have to spend points on the powerful air defense.
What I propose to deliver us, experienced players on the house rules.
Newcomers to the Steel Panthers did not know these nuances will be upset at first (with the words - those stupid helicopters). 
With people you play regularly its easy to have house rules, make yourself up some as a document & send it with your email.
With regards to helos I just used to have a rule that you could only use helos every 3 or 4 games as planes are far more common.
Others can do related but make up your own.
If you want to use a lot of helos all units except the HQ must start loaded
Ammo units can only be used for one purpose, you are allowed to rename them so you know which is which & can only resupply the correct unit types.
Arty AAA Helo ATGM Tank Troop
Helos are very dangerous, they are also pretty rare, unfortunately people tend to use them to much just like they tend to buy the best tank, ATGM etc.
The game doesn't control force makeup that's what your house rules are for to give you battles you think are realistic.