Eretria's independence according to
SIPRI, from "All" suppliers going back to

), the only armor they bought was from
Bulgaria all ordered and received in
2005. The order was for
10 LM-BT and
120 T-55 tanks second hand.
Combat aircraft:
MiG-29S FGA aircraft 1998 1998 No. could be up to 10; incl
2 MiG-29UB
MiG-29S FGA aircraft (2001) 2001 2
MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum-F FGA aircraft (2002) 2004 2 No. could be 4
Su-27S/Flanker-B FGA aircraft (2002) 2002-2003 2 Second-hand
They also received several training aircraft, handful of attack and transport helos, artillery and SAM systems to include MANPADS from
several different countries.
So whatever else they got before,
came from Ethiopia by whatever means.
II hadn't the time (Work!) to check the database to see what equipment they might have received for their "
Popular Front" movement, yes
SIPRI covers them as well to some extent.
I'm well acquitted about their sources which is why I use them as a equipment check, especially on "
questionable" equipment items. That's all
well detailed on their site.