Originally Posted by cbreedon
I've tried all your solutions nothing seems to have fixed it. All I did was switch out the secondary monitor... weird and frustrating
And so your old secondary monitor was old, and happened to support the full-screen resolution you were using. Switching back may work, but maybe not if you also loaded a new video driver - unless you can find the exact older one you used before the monitor swap.
"Modern" hardware and software for windows - drivers, monitors, video cards etcetera often have
no inbuilt support for "long gone and unneeded by modern consumer" modes like 4:3 resolution, or smaller full-screen modes, perhaps not even supporting 1280x, let alone 800 and 640 seems to have disappeared in a puff of indifference 10-15 years back.
Don't use full-screen mode, use windowed mode. Or, if you insist on full-screen mode then find yourself the right combination of obsolescent video kit that still supports it.
We do not support full-screen mode, but its still in there for historical reasons
but only for the very few who still have obsolescent video kit that "knows" about stone-age windows graphics modes.