These comments are intended for chrispedersen primarily, but relate to the discussion as a whole too.
First of all I agree that being 'betrayed', in a game feels bad (hey, so does getting eliminated!), and I agree that people who have broken agreements do get angry when someone attempts to make their treaty-break public. So fair enough, it's not all one way!
What was most interesting in chrispedersen's reply was that he rejected the proposal to start games as "break NAP ok" or "break NAP not ok", saying that: "its too difficult to set up games as it is - dealing with naps or no naps is just way too much headache."
However his alternative solution, to set up a sticky thread which rates each person in the entire community with a number between 1 and 5, indicating their attitude to NAPs, seems like a chain-reaction migraine in comparison!
For starters, who determines these numbers?!?! I think a few quiet moments are enough to realise that bird ain't gonna fly!
chrispedersen also mentions that: "I would say the anger is compounded because efforts to compile a list of either "ho hum" nappers or "no break" nappers have been disallowed (aka threads frozen)."
Have a think about why that is.
One more: "I don't want Nap or No Nap games - I just want to know what standards OTHER people are playing under."
Chris, I respect your opinions, and with hindsight I regret some of the more extreme comments I made in my last post. I mean no offense mate.
But this is just an impossible dream! People won't do it! It's a computer game!
P.S. I get the feeling this discussion is taking place between 'no break NAPers' and 'no break NAPers who nevertheless believe in the right of others to break NAPs"...the filthy rotten no NAP respect kids are just ignoring this and sending wave after wave of their own men at us