Vanilla LA - hosted [started]
This will be a quickhost/24-hour hosted game until turn 20, at which point it will go to 36h.
-C --ipadr --port 65001
(If you haven't done this before, create a copy of your dominions shortcut. Then right-click it, and select properties. In the box that says Target:, paste the above text in AFTER the last " mark. Make sure there's a space between the " and the first -. Now if you double click that shortcut it'll connect you to the server directly.)
Port: 65001
Players: 11
Map: Random ~15 provinces/player
Age: Late
Starting Provinces: 1
Independents: 5
Magic Sites: 35%
Money: 100
Resources: 100
Supply: 100
Random Events: Common
Graphs: Disabled
Hall of Fame: 10 slots
Research: Average
Victory: Control of 99 provinces
Renaming: On
Hosting: Quickhost and every 24h until turn 20, then 36h
Mods: None
Xavier: Ermor
Metalking: T'ien Ch'i
chrispederson: R'lyeh
OoohSnap: Midgard
Foodstamp: Mictlan
Hoplosternum: Utgard
Fickle: Abysia
Kazoo: Pythium
cupido2: Patala
Kyosti: Arcoscophale
Evilhomer/Folket: Ulm