New game, The Art of War,
"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle."
No diplomacy game!
Age - MA game
Players - 16
MAP – Glory of the Gods
Nations - they will be randomly assigned, there will be no trading of nations if you do not like what you get.
Mods – CBM 1.5
Victory conditions – capture 8 capitals, once you have achieved your goal send you turn to the non playing admin, WingedDog for inspection.
Game settings:
Independents - 5
Research - Standard
Magic Sites - 45
Money - Default
Resources - Default
Supplies - Default
Random Events - Default (which is Common)
Re-naming - Off
Score Graphs - On
Hall Of Fame – 15
No exploits, stacking domes, copying Bogus orders and such
Hosting Schedule, Delays, Stale Turns, AI/Substitutes
A rough schedule will be -
First Turn - 48h.
Turn 2-20 - 24h quickhost
Turn 20 and beyond – negotiable
Personally, I feel that there should not be any delays made in the first 15-20 turns, people tend to lose interest and that might trigger a chain-reaction.
One more thing, do not sign up unless you can commit to this game and vanish without a trace at the first sight of defeat,
Everybody's welcome, and everything's up for negotiations, sign up.
State your settings and proposals for this game, Ashdod is banned.
List of players so far:
Alpine Joe
Ermor -
Man - played by Dragar
Marginon -
Mictlan -
Machaka -
Agartha -
Abysia -
Cealum - played by Statttis
C'tis -
Pangaea - played by Executor
Vanheim -
Jotunheim- played by Shuma
Shiny - played by Cerlin, Strech played the last few turns to make the dead man stand
Atlantis -
Oceania -
Eriu -
__________________________________________________ ______________ UPDATE>
CBM 1.5 can be found here.
In case of breaking communication, and violating the no diplomacy rule, you will be either turned AI or there will be found a permanent sub. There will be no excuses.
You may not reveal your identity or "your Empires affair" at any time. Once you are eliminated you may post which nation you played if you want, but not who killed you.
Everybody is free to comment on stuff like indie strength, and other harmless stuff like that as long as it doesn't jeopardize you or another player.
Do not use your own names on Pretenders! I recon just leave them as they are.
Send in your pretender and let the battle commence.