You are mistaken, AJ. How do you think llamaserver should understand which game is your file for?
AJ is not mistaken. The answer is of course that the server is
magic. Seriously though, it's worth testing before telling someone they're wrong. You do, however, need the game name when sending in pretenders.
Also on the server trivia front, whether you send it to pretenders@ or turns@ doesn't really matter (IIRC), you just get different error messages in the two cases if it doesn't work. i.e. the server just treats the address as a clue as to what you were
trying to do if it hits an error. Generally it works out what to do with the file from the file itself.
BandarLover - well, it seems to me that one way or another you are sending in a pretender file rather than a 2h file, although it's a very curious thing to happen. What I would do: delete the file in question. Take your turn again. It should reappear. If not maybe you are in the wrong folder. If you have no luck though, send it to me (llamabeast@...) and I'll take a look. Maybe there is an obscure bug somewhere.