Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems
At Kristoffer's suggestion (see "What did I miss from Dom I" thread) here is a list of the things people have been saying that they would want the IW team to give their attention to:
• Strategic AI
• SP diplomacy
• Increased battle replay functionality (various speeds, etc.)
• Castle battle results
• More than one god for each nation
• Darker colours/textures in unit displays
• Newbie demo 'get started' stuff
• Bug fixes
• Moddability
• Alignment of stats in unit info screens
Are there any things which are really important that I missed?
Please Note: This is intended to be an impartial listing of the various things raised by different people. Please express why your suggestions are the most urgent/important elsewhere.
Once I'm sure we have a full list I'll make a poll for which 3 things (or something like that) you think are the most important to work on.