Special Site: Conjuration (or Blood or Whatever): 40
What exactly is this number referring to? I know it is supposed to make casting spells of that type in that province (once you make a lab) "easier", but I dont know what that means.
Havent gotten 100% results yet, but I *think* it means: X% reduction in gem cost of spells of that type. Can anyone confirm?
PS. If so, I believe this is the *only* benefit whatsoever of having a person skilled in the blood path searching for magic sites (since there are no blood gems and findng a blood site usually (with the one exception of finding Blood Magic Bonus areas) causes me to exclaim something like: whoopee, thanks for nothing. Villians, I don't *want* to recruit villians darn it! And I don't *want* that extra unrest thanks very much. Want option: nuke that blood site! oh sorry.)