3rd party Apps wishlist
OK I maybe should have followed my own advice and used the "search" link under the "New Topic" button before hitting New-Topic but I dont thin there is a thread already where this fits.
Anyway the DomMap project is going well. There is a working Version of the random map generator for Dom2 both for Linux and for Windows.
[insert URL here later]
The BLUR project for improving the DomMap generated maps might not be a problem depending on how some tests of upgrading the DomMap goes.
The GIMP script project for generating maps progressing but not as quickly as DomMap
The game-save app. has been worked on by various people. We have a batchfile/icon Version, a java Version, and a VB Version? Am I right? All for Windows but then the Linux people havent voiced a need.[need URL]
There is a desire for a god-save app
There is an app to make hosting PBEM games in windows easier[need URL]
There was talk of some work on a front-end app to set/save game settings then call dominions to create a game avoiding the long walk thru the menu to create a game when you always choose the same opponents and settings.
There is a working copy of a web-site front-end supporting tcpip games
there is desire for a CGI allowing the uploading of a 2h file which would facilitate making a web front-end for PBEM games
There is a the basic to EXE desires for some of the random game generators such as I do with Poke_in_the_Eye. I have not found a good (free) compiler for my code though some
There is a big desire for an app that can do half a DomMap job, read in a TGA that was manually created and write the #neighbor and #terrain guesses to a .map file.
There is also a desire for a an app that can read god files and print out the variables. Maybe even allow editing them.
there is a desire to ceate a sheet of sprite images from the game
There is a desire to read out the scoreboard information to a text file
there is a desire to read out the provinces owned-by to a file
Did I miss anything?
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)