Losing Commanders in a rout
Okay, I'ver just lost an important commander for the second time in a rout of the enemy. In both cases the enemy troops never pass the center of the battlefield and the commander in question is against the back wall with guards around him. In the first case, he just sort of died. Watched the replay and it went according to the battle report except that it said "one commander died". Never saw how, and it didn't make sense because I annhililated the other army. Just had it again and the commander "vanished" right before the enemy routed. He was there with 10 hit points one minute surrounded by trolls and a troll king (while my army was on the other side of the battlefield routing the enemy) and he vanished. Checked his stats right before and hten he was gone. No arrow, message, or anything. No enemy troops near.
Now I know there's a problem with the battle replays, but this one has me baffled since the whole battle was basically a mismatch before it started. ANyone else see something like this?