Bad framerates on ATI cards?
Anyone know if the low framerate I'm experiencing with my ATI Radeon is a confirmed problem, and if anyone (Ilwinter or ATI) are working on solving it?
My PC is a 2.5+Ghz AMD Barton, 1Gb RAM, ATI Radeon 9600XT running WinXP PRO. Newest ATI drivers (Catalyst 4.5, tried reference and Omega wo. much difference), DX9.0b.
It runs FarCry, Battlefield Vietnam and like on highest settings smoothly, so how come my DomII framerates show below 2 FPS on highest settings, and about 10-15FPS on medium? I'm not talking battle, I'm talking in Video setup where you see an empty landscape scroll by.
Btw. I'm a PC technician myself and I've tried the same stuff I usually tell the Users: reinstalled game, updated drivers, tried different color depths and resolutions, rebooted every time I move the mouse, but nothing has changed with the framerate.
Reading the forum it sounds like an issue with Radeon cards - but is anything being done about it?