Well, suggestions & help
First of all, I'm Getix, the Cromist Federation big boss..
Ok, let's start:
1) I can't find anymore the link which contained information on how to "maximize" your empire (from the empire creation screen).. It was all connected to changing the % in that screen..
2) Ship Design
Generally i play VS AI, and i use 3 different "design" types:
a. Destroyers
Fast (at least 5 movement), high supply, a pair of CSMs o Seeker Parassite. Used for scouting and "support" in fleets
b. Light Cruiser/Cruiser Support Ship
Ranging from a Cruiser with 2 repair bays to Light Cruisers/Cruisers filled with supply storage. Fast, they don't cost too much and improves general fleet performance. If possibile, on this ship is mounted a Point Defense cannon.
c. Cruiser/Light Cruisers Missile / DF
I create mainly 2 "design": Missile ship (CSM + Parassite + PDC) and Direct Fire (Mainly Acid Globule e/o Null Space Projectors or Wave motion Gun). Generally filled with Shields and (at least) 1 Organic Armor (it is 150kt worth of protection!). If possible ECM/Sensors/Multiplex.
d. Cruiser PDC
Cruisers filled with PDC, ECM, Sensors, Multiplex & (if availble) Long Range Scanners. They stay just behind my fleet and "cover" them from missiles. Heavily Shielded & Armored (at least 2 OA)
What kind of ship do I miss?
I also create some Pop Trans, Mine Layer & Colony Ship. I always try to have at least a Med. Trans free running around battlefield.
Also have some Ground Combat ships, generally full of Cargo, ECM, Shield and as much armor as possible.
I don't use Carrier (is this bad?)
3) What are DRONES? I can't find a way to buld them..
4) Strategy & Colony & Ship types
I generally create:
Ship-> repair ship, Point Defense ship
Colony-> Mixed colony (obvious, no?

Strategy-> Point Defense (fire @ seekers)
Shold i create any more?
Thanks to all
May the CROMA be with you.