Well, I've again got a gripe towards what I consider an unbalanced unit

... This time it's the Super Sniper !
I've played an Iwo Jima scenario as USMC against an IA Japan assault : but it doesn't develop as I thought (Banzai-ing japanese closing to HtH while being whacked by MG fire), it was rather a long-range context (4-6 hexes distance)

On my side I had squads with 3BARS and MG teams, but the Japanese had The Dreaded Snipers of Death (the Acc 30 Range Finder 10 guys)

And they kind'a won : the snipers were able to virtually eliminate MG crews (and some squads) while being very hard to kill ! The funniest was when 1 sniper shot made 4 casualties in a squad, I envisioned some film where the 4 guys were killed by the same bullet !

I got a Decisive Victory because the IA didn't take any flag, but the casualties were 120 to me vs 240 to IA, and in the 120 more than 50% were sniper kills ! Knowing that it was a pure infantry assault vs entrenched defenders with *lots* of arty, it's rather weird !
It really doesnt look correct, snipers shouldn't be that effective vs entrenched and alerted troops, isn't it ?
Oh and BTW is the game still limited to east/west "rout route" ? In a N/S map it's ridiculous to see "routing" troops marching all over the front line just to get killed... [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img]