Does any one remember the web browser based game called Planetarian or something like that?
It was one of those web based games that you joined and played 3 month rounds in. I gave up on it back in 2001 when I was told by one of the long standing players that the game was rigged and cheating was rampant. (Very discouraging.)
But recently I ran across an old friend on line, purely by accident, who used to play Planetarian and Earth 2025 with me. It brought back some interesting memories.
At lot has happened since 2001. I guess when you have no life, you have no life so the years just whiz buy. I find myself up at 3 am this morning because I cannot sleep and am a bit down about things. I miss many of the older games that I used to play. Every now and again I install one and play it for a while. Right now I am playing TRIBES again and for the most part having a good time of it.
I am thinking about installing UNREAL and playing co-op with my nephews. Too bad Jedi doesn't allow co-op games like the old Quake II series did.
When I think about the time that I have spent playing SE IV, I get a bit sick. I have been playing this game since August 2000 when the demo was released. Since that time many things have changed in my life, but the game, the game has remained. I often wonder if it is the game that I should blame for how my life has gone? I do wonder about it and many other things as I sit here posting my God only knows what number post in these forums.
I look back over the last decade and in that time I have seen the coming and going of so many things. From TV shows that I enjoyed watching weekly, now a DVD collection on my shelf, to the development and advancement of PC's and technology. Hell I remember my first PC, an ACER P75 with a whopping 850 meg hard drive and 4mg ram. That was way back in 1995. I can remember when 3dFx was the video card that dreams were made of and the names of great game companies that no longer exsist; Interplay, Dynamix, Microprose, and so many more.
Today I recieved a news letter from Shrapnel Games. At first I thought it is said FAG, but then I realized that I had misread it. Imagine my embarassament. As I read the news letter my sense of nastalga (sp) just grew. Perhaps I am being a bit more emotional because of my cold, the medication, or even lack of sleep. I simply don't know.
One thing is for certain, my fingers hurt from playing TRIBES, my mind continues to wonders about new and interesting ways to make SE IV and now SE V better, and about those kind of things that ones mind conjures up at 3am in the morning regarding what may or may not come with the future.
Simply put I am dog tired and just felt like typing for a bit as I ware myself down and try to fall asleep.
Any who, I will most likely read this tomorrow, blush red and delete it. So enjoy it while you can.