Game Servers
Has there been any more discussion on setting up an "official" on non-official game servers?
I would be curious how many games a decent server could handle. Drop in a cheaper Athlon 64bit chip and 4GB of memory and see how many games it can handle reliably. Could it do 50? 100? More?
I'd be willing to pay a one time $10 fee or similar for the ability to host my own game on a server and control the settings. I'm running one on my media server at home now, but my IP address is constantly changing. Not a big deal for 1v1 duel, but if I wanted to host a larger game it would be a real pain.
It would be awesome if shrapnel would set something up like this. However if they aren't I'd be willing to contribue funds to someone that will take it on (hint hint Gandalf or Esben) particuraly if by contributing you are buying a "share" in the server to host the games you want with the mods you want.