Caelum Battlefield Magic Broken
I've been playing around with Caelum for a few days now and I have come to the conclusion that thier use of air magic in combat just doesnt work. The once-feared battlefield magic of Caelum is now broken! Issues that are causing it to break are the following:
1) Air spells strike few targets
2) Quickness no longer effects spellcasting
3) Dom3 produces larger armies (more targets)
These things together mean that an air mage just cannot kill enough troops in a battle to make him worth his own cost! Couple this already poor situation with the fact that its even harder to produce mages in dom3 (caelum in particular cost 1500gp for its cheapest fort+lab) and you are left with the conclusion that Caelum just cant fight on the battlefield.
Now - Everyone is probably chomping at the bit to say "but they can still cast Wrathful Skies!!@#$". And that is true, but that is a specialty attack that requires tons of gold and gems in order to do correctly. Battlefield magic, the kind that makes your armies really feared, should be easy to deploy, reliable, and powerful. As it stands, Caelum has none of the above...