Here's what happened. I stormed Marverni's castle in a PBEM game I'm in. My troops routed his, killed his pretender god, and every last one of his men fled the field. His crushers also disappeared (3 magical troops) which I assume dissolved or something after his mages left/died.
Afterwards, I get a message like it's a normal battle report (not the normal siege victory one which tells you nothing). It tells me the kills/losses on both sides. And it said I lost!! Also, his pretender God is still alive. Just to make sure, I checked him for enchantments or items during the fight, and I didn't see any.
Needless to say, I'm really frustrated by this. I lost 200 troops assaulting the castle. I included several pictures. You can see where I killed the enemy God. You can see a long shot just before that happens to prove I still have commanders on the battlefield and that my armies haven't routed. You can see a picture of the province spy-report after the fight. And you can see a picture of the battle report.
I can provide the game save if one of the developers wants to look at this. I have no idea what happened.
Also, the battle didn't take forever. There's no way we hit that super high 30 turn cap. The battle replay ends directly after the last one of his units flees on the right side of the map, not at some arbitrary point during it.