SE:V v1.56 History
Some good fixes/additions here:
Version 1.56:
1. Fixed - You were unable to login as a computer player in a Simultaneous Same Machine Game.
2. Fixed - AI was not operating correctly.
3. Fixed - "Supply Storage" and "Ordnance Storage" were not working for facilities on planets.
4. Added - Formula function "is_planet_domed".
5. Fixed - Sometimes the highlighted solar system on the quadrant map would remain when the mouse was moved elsewhere.
6. Fixed - Sometimes you could get a component to activate multiple times even if it was destroyed on the first use.
7. Added - "Upgrade Queues" button on the Designs window. This will upgrade one design to another throughout all of
the empire's construction queues.
8. Fixed - The Transfer Cargo window was not showing the correct amounts in Simultaneous Games.
9. Fixed - The Transfer Cargo window would change list positions when adding an order in Simultaneous Games.
10. Fixed - The Transfer Units and Transfer Cargo windows now blank the edit box when you click on it.
11. Added - Additional specific types to Load Cargo Remotely and Drop Cargo Remotely orders.