Okay, so I've been hacking around with some of my favorite mods to learn the ropes, and I think I have an idea for a mod. My concept is "Crystal Power!"
It's sort of a combination of New-Age style crystal magic with various underground fantasy themes (especially Discworld dwarves). Crystal healers and various types of crystal mages would be the majority of the commanders. Most of the troops would be regular human infantry (with darkvision), but there would also be a few elite troops with some bizarre crystal-powered weapons. Maybe even crystal cyborgs? Then I'll add a handful of nation-specific spells -- mainly in the Construction school -- to create various crystal-powered constructs.
I'm thinking Middle Age, simply because that era doesn't seem to get quite as much love from modders. If I like it -- and I can actually get it done -- then I will be sorely tempted to make some EA and LA variants. But first, I need to get a mod done.
Which brings me to a couple of questions for our experienced modders in the house:
- Is there a comprehensive list of modding commands available anywhere? I have the PDF that came with the game, and I also have Edi's excellent DB (thanks for that!), but I think I'm probably missing something. Is there a complete modding reference anywhere?
- Is there a mod tutorial anywhere? I'm learning a lot from ripping apart Sombre's and Amos's mods. (Thanks, guys!) Should I just keep doing that, or is there an actual tutorial that someone has made? I'm especially clueless about spell modding....
Thoughts? Anyone? Bueller...?