Kailasa VS Lanka
So... in the interests of a very quick blitz, HJFudge and I started up a blitz in the IRC chatroom called Planet of the Apes. It involved Kailasa vs. Lanka on a small map.
Neither of us had played either nation before.
I lost. (Big surprise, right?)
That leads me to three questions:
1). Why are Kailasa's only, ONLY priests capital only, holy one, and 360 gold?
Needless to say, banishment was not much of an option, let alone smite demon. It also made it very hard to bless my sacreds. (I coulda used my air bless to keep off those archers)
It's also worth noting that the demonic nation of Lanka has ready access to more holy magic, including Smite Demon (ironically enough on demons and demonic-half-breeds) than Kailasa, with actual divine beings.
2). If monkey pd causes a player to lose a game, and there are two monkey nations, what happens? Does the universe implode?
3). In a close range deathmatch like this, what and how might Kailasa win against Lanka? Anything?
The only ideas I have are air bless and earth meld.