I'm happy to discover this mod after having deserted for some month the forums (but not Dominions !) Well, on my part i too have developed a mod based on Poland (I call the Polanes but I'm looking for a name without 'Pol' inside) Not having a lot of information on polish folklore despite being polish, I have concentrated on a LA version. This is more inspired by late polish armies like those of Tannenberg but not only. Inside you'll find 'murderous rusics' with polearms suited to kill knights (Ulm !), a good militia with huge shields, crossbows and polearms, a lot of light cavalry with lances or bows, mighty war wagons (I'm proud of them !) , and sacred cavalry lightly based on winged uhlans, wojewodes, hetmans etc...
I'm avancing very slowly but I hope it's playable even if i still need adjust the costs of the most 'exotic' untis (mostly Warwagons). Some days ago I decided to add something like an amber cult/or weapons with a link with Oceania, but haven't created anything yet, only on paper.
I will not yet publish it as I comitted an error and used somebody else DM as a basis (at the beginning I known nothing about modding) So i want to rewrite the DM file from scratch before publishing.
I need to create sprites for the commanders too.
2 mods for poland ! He we are more popular than orcs