Originally Posted by lch
Edi is taking care about the buglist summary for the devs, so in a way he might be. But the only ones that are directly involved in producing patches is the two-man-team JK for fixing bugs and KO for adding new content.
This is not strictly true, as some of the bugs are just data typos, and Kristoffer has done the greater part in fixing these. When it comes to fiddling with the mechanics, tying them into other things or unlocking previously hardcoded stuff for modders, that's Johan's exclusive territory.
I'm the keeper of the lists and the user documentation. Basically just an organizer for what's what and which category it belongs to. So the bug shortlist and modding wishes shortlist serve very much the same function for the devs as the Dom3 DB serves for modders. They don't do a lot in and of themselves, but they enable the concerned parties to do what they need to do or want to do better and more easily than if my work wasn't there.