Balance Issue? (From a total newb)
Hi everyone,
I've owned Dominions for about a week, and I'm still learning the basics (though I've played every other 4x game).
I've played several games now, using many different stratagies. I usually do well for a time, but then every nation declares war on me and they wear me down. No diplomacy? Seems odd.
Last night I played Ermor for the first time. I had no idea what it was like, but fortunately I gave myself 10 Dominion and 10 Death magic - along with an imprisoned pretender.
Once I figured out what was going on, I expanded rapidly. Then I kept expanding rapidly. They I wiped out every other nation and won the game before my pretender even woke up.
Granted, this is a newb perspective, but this seemed like an H-Bomb tactic that nothing could really stop. Enemines can banish you, true - but it makes no difference because you're producing and attacking with undead in such huge numbers.
So, hi everyone. Hopefully I'll be around long enough to laugh at what a foolish newb tactic this was.