I was jesting but the more I think about it as close as we are it sounds like a good idea...It will force some diplomacy and Rush nations will be blunted some.
So since Frozen also thinks its a good Idea also lets run with it...You may wage war on turn 11 (that's not negotiable).
I also think it will be settled by consensus but 12 caps for 3 turns will win it also.
PM me if you have any complaints as I don't want to start a long discussion between 18 guys in this thread.
We HAVE to be somewhat flexible with 18 players even tho the map was designed for 18.
Thanks to all for making this run smoothly in my first attempt to run a game.
Frozen llama is also helping Admin so feel free to ask him questions as he has the power to make decisions, grant extensions ect so no one can say they couldn't get ahold of someone. if its a Strange or big request we will put our heads together.
I have NEVER been a fan of rolling a turn back and with this many people it will cause Mayham....so unless its a game malfunction we live with it. Its YOUR responsibility to get a confirmation on Extensions. I would put it in the Forum and PM one of us.
Also, remember diplomacy is binding if put in the forum so don't forget to do that and NO CRYING on secret pacts, Naps, or treaties that get you stabbed in the back.