Say I wanted 3 Astral mages that i could either empower or add boosters to reach S8 and I already have 1.
I wish for Stargazer (Ryleh S5 commander) to start. I decide since it is such a good choice i will wish for another.
Poof...I keep the same one but the other one dissolves. I think its a fluke (

and do it agian. This time it says the Stargazer (I forget his name) is transported to the same province it started out as.
Let this be a lesson to me...don't waste 200 Astral gems being a dummy.
Sooooooo, any 2 of exactly the same thing can NOT be wished for whether item or person. So how about Tarts (I don't know why you would but whatever), Abomination etc?
Now I actually WAS in a game where 2 Armageddon's where cast the same turn by the same person. So I guess spells are different?
Last question...If I wanted to cast ..say Utterdark but had no Death Gems or Lvl 9 castor's will it cast and will it STAY more than 1 turn?
I know these are not the usual wishes but I have a chance to experiment and thought I would.
Opinions or answers guys?