I was talking to a very knowledgeable player and he mentioned something that really made me think...
If he is correct, then 1149 is the most S gems that can be used in a dispel spell.
That would be 150 for the spell and 999 max extra gems added (anyway that is all that will count) for a total of 1149.
So what happens if I have 1200 invested in Well of Misery? Does it AUTO DISPEL because I used the max...OR am I now immune to dispel? Could be a game decider.
As long as I am asking questions, I have 1 more a little off this topic.
IF I cast Dispel and it does take down the spell, and then cast 500 D gems on Well of misery, will the dispel spell go first so it is clear and I will get the slot automatically. I would not want to throw away 500 death gems if the slot wasn't clear.
Of course all of this would be end game with the number of gems I am talking about, but I am curious.
Any help would be appreciated!!