The New Jomon?
So, I've been away from the game for a while, because it drains my time like there is no tomorrow, and I've been trying out the new Jomon Units. When I first started playing it, it was widely declared to be a weak side because of 3 factors, a lack of shield units, high Resource requirements and a lack of battle mages. Also, national summons are way to hard to get.
After tinkering in SP only, and looking at all the guides I could get my hands on, I've made a short strategy for the Jomon as they presently stand. Beware, this has not been tried out in multiplayer and I'm throwing this out not as the end all be all guide, but as a means to start a discussion over how to play the new Jomon.
I've tried an Imprisoned Oracle as my chasis, and paired it with 9 Astral, 4 Fire and 4 Death and 7 Domain.
3 Turmoil, 3 Productivity, 3 Luck and 1 Magic starts me out with enough resources to build my army, and enough gems to cast spells from the path of Astral and Death.
With 9 Astral, I can use my Sacred units to do one thing well, block and stop arrows. I've switch Fire and Death for Wind and Water so that the units can do that job better, but hey.
With high enough construction and conjuration, I can bootstrap my way up and summon all the national summons.
Anway, I'm out of time, and have to get back to work, but I thought I'd start a thread on this.