Got Mistborn as an free eBook from Tor, bought the other two.
Tangential to Brandon Sanderson, do you know Wheel of Time? (Autor: Robert Jordan, RIP), because next year it will be finished (by Sanderson)
If you dont know it yet, be warned its very long winded (I like it anyway

The Way of Kings is the start of Sandersons own epic fantasy series.
Authors I did not see in the thread and which I like.
(But those books are all much lighter (ie. not so depressing), than Song of Fire and Ice)
Jim Butcher
(two series out,
one fantasy: Codex of Alera [Pokemon + missing Roman legion]
the other urban fantasy: Dresden Files[wizard + private eye]
in work)
Sample Chapters - Dresden Files, book 1
I liked his fantasy serie, but the urban fantasy one I liked better.
To be honest, the first book in the serie is nice, but the later ones get better.
Wen Spencer - not really urban fantasy, more fantasy urban (a modern city got transplanted into the elf world, one day in the month it gets back to earth.)
Tinker - Sample chapters (1. Book)
Wolf Who Rules - Sample capters (2. Book)
Book 3 is - hopefully - soon available as eARC (electronic Advanced Reader Copy)
David Weber - only one fantasy serie (if you want science fiction, you get many, many more books)
Oath of Swords - First book for free as ebook.
If you dont know him, read it.
If you allready red all his other books, he gets a (IMHO) little predictable... (but I still read all his books, so it can't be sooo bad, right?)
Almost forgot to second Steven Ericksons Books of the Fallen. Much nearer in tone to SoFaI.
And its finished. (There will be books in the same world, but the Books of the Fallen got finished)