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Old March 5th, 2009, 07:51 PM
AreaOfEffect's Avatar

AreaOfEffect AreaOfEffect is offline
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AreaOfEffect is on a distinguished road

(Please read the rules before volunteering for this game.)

Description: I've hosted a few games before and played in many more. I want to avoid many of the pitfalls that most games tend to have, especially those with randomly generated maps. This game will have special rules for starting locations and nation selection. I will also be borrowing a very simplified version of the rules from chrispedersen Mulligan game. These rules will hopefully allow me to alleviate any problems people have while the game is in running. The ultimate goal is to avoid any player complaints, mostly by distributing responsibility onto the players themselves.

Catan Rules:
  • Players will start by reserving a position in the game. Players should not announce there nation of choice yet.
  • The game will start with a map already generated. After examining the map, each player will announce the start location they would like in the order they were positioned. First player to last player.
  • All start locations must be at least 2 provinces away from each other. If there are no more valid start locations, the selection will conclude and the remaining players will unfortunately be rejected from the game.
  • Once a player has announced a valid start location their choice cannot be undone for any reason.
  • Once all start locations have been chosen, players may begin to select their nation of choice, but in the reverse order of their position. Last player to first player.
The above rules should remove any complaints about poor start locations. Your the one who chooses, so no more whining. Selecting the nations in reverse is designed to counter any disadvantage from being bottom on the list. Remember, if your down at the bottom and there doesn't look like anything good is left, there is no pressure on you to play.

Mulligan(1) Rules:
  • Each player will begin the game with one mulligan.
  • Any player may expend their mulligan provided there are still 12 hours left until the next turn is hosted.
  • Once a mulligan has been expended, the game will be rolled back to the previous turn.
  • This is the only way the game will ever experience a rollback. There are no free rollbacks.
  • You can use the mulligan for any reason.
Additional Rules:
  • Finding a substitute is the sole responsibility of the player, not the host.
  • If any player stales 3 times within the last 5 turns, they will automatically be set to AI. Playing every other turn isn't really playing at all.
The additional rules above is so that I have a clear guideline that allows me to move the game along in the case of player absence. Now for the details of the game itself.

Age: Multi-Age (all nations allowed)
Map: Randomly Generated, 216 provinces (Attached Below)
Mods: Single Age, Streamers and Standards
Host: llamaserver
Players: 11

Renaming: Allowed
Graphs: Off
Special Site Frequency: 50
All Other Settings: Default

01.AreaOfEffect.......186..MA Ermor
02.chrispedersen......87...LA Ry'leh
03.hEad...............182..EA Tir Na n'Og
04.viccio.............86...LA Gath
05.mikh4il............94...EA Helheim
06.Ossa...............7....EA Hinnom
07.Falkor.............25...EA Lanka
08.Unoptimized........114..EA Niefelheim (Formerly controlled by Incabulos)
09.Starshine_Monarch..132..LA Abysia
10.Dragar.............189..LA Utgard
11.statttis...........31...LA Marignon

: Eliminated - Nation defeated with either no dominion or no provinces.
: AI Controlled - Nation in play but controlled by a bot.
: Player Kill - Granted to a player from another player who was eliminated or set to AI.
: Game Winner - Remaining players concede that this player won.
: Mulligan - Player still has a mulligan available for their use.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	MilkShake.jpg
Views:	306
Size:	92.2 KB
ID:	8019  
Attached Files
File Type: zip milkshake.zip (4.09 MB, 289 views)

Last edited by AreaOfEffect; July 21st, 2009 at 01:33 AM..
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