First the global that went up last ..took mine out (I had Dark skies) want someone else to cast it that your at war with...
Actually I DID think of the ramifications. I have no chance to win this and don't expect to. I exist at the grace of those around me. I don't think there is a nation left that couldn't cough and knock me out.
I am enjoying watching a number of good players with large nations and how they interact and react to each other.
I have learned more in this and NvV in 2 months than I have learned in the last year.
If you want to declare war and knock me out and someone else cast it that DOES have a chance to win, then go ahead as I am more or less watching and forging...and learning.
Its like giving Switzerland all the nukes if a world war broke out. No one has a huge advantage and you fight with what you got.
Its the reason I announced it and I also sent a in game message to everyone, just in case they don't read this forum.
That sound like I am trying to hide it or ominous to you.
Those that know me know that I NEVER break my word once given. So there is no use to ask me for gems or threaten me for gems. I am just going to accumulate gems.
And ya know what...I have never cast a major Global was kinda neat. This wasn't my idea originally but I will live with it and hopefully see the end of the game.