Chinchilla - Running
I've decided it might be a good idea to host another game for new/newish players.
I'm thinking around 10 players or so (we'll see how many we get, anything over 4 is good fun), and a not-too-large map - maybe around 15 provinces each. In my experience this is plenty big enough for lots of interesting things to happen, but not so big that it can get overwhelming. We can sort out details when we see how many players we've got.
Edit: I think we'll probably play on Cradle of Dominion, if we can get enough players (12-14 perhaps), since I think it's a nice map.
Edit Edit: Woohoo, we filled up! Cradle of Dominion it is.
Oh, it'll be an MA game.
It's up to you to decide if you're "newish" enough. If you've played only a few MP games, I reckon that's good enough. SP games don't count I think - it's a surprisingly different skill.
Please post here and choose a nation if you'd like to play.
We have:
Machaka - Burnsaber
Caelum - Chicanist
Agartha - Salamander8
Abysia - Valerius
Jotunheim - Sleet
Arcoscephale - AreWeInsaneYet
Pangaea - Ubercat
Marignon - Warhammer
Oceania - dementd
Pythium - sum1won
C'tis - parcelt
T'ien Ch'i - IndyPendant