I just lost another game of "Draw Blood" with my female tabby. You know the game, you tease the kitty with something that looks playful and in return you get a sharp claw stuck inbetween your finger nail and the skin of your finger. The kind of minor injury that just hurts like hell.
Well any ways, like I was saying, I after loosing another round of "draw Blood" I descided to fire up the old PC and play a test game of the STM.
But before I could do this I had to "dump out" my key board as it was full of cat hair and well flea poop.
Evidance that my cat has once again been sleeping on my key board.
So I do the deed and get the key board operation, fire up the mod and start to play and wouldn't you know it, thawk! A white phaw hits the monitor right were the Romulan Warbird was at. Have you ever wondered what a cat is looking at when it stares off into thin air and acts as if it is watching something? Well I have figured it out, they are staring at invisible Romulan Warbirds.
Play SEIV for a while then close your eyes. What do you see?