Re: OT: Credit Card Rates To Double!
The worse thing is, your not spending beyond your means, and have more than enough money at the end of the month. You always pay way over the minimum payments, x 3, and have never been late. Your credit score is near 800, and things are going great. ENTER - some bad economic times, chines swamp the market you work in, major health problems, and ONE, count it, ONE late payment, by ONE, and only ONE day, right after the anthrax mail scare that shut down the east coast, and the TERM "Universal Default" and presto...... all your interest rates tripple or quadripple, and suddenly that $35 minimum payment is now $120.00. Mulitiply that by each card you have, say four, and well, there goes your savings first, then your credit.
Like I said, cusomers NEED protection. If the mail had not been delayed by six days, who knows. One thing is for certain, this "universal default" policy must be made illegal for it is utter extortion and can ruin your ability to pay all because of mail snafu.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.