Edit : for a demo of the current state of the map editor, see
For more info about what features are already done, read the thread

I already done a map semi randomizer (
http://dominions.realites.org) that can add random commanders/units or preset provinces to a map file.
As others such projects have started to be released, instead of adding more feature to the random province part I'm thinking about moving to the next part.
(note that I still take suggestions of special provinces , existing list at
http://dominions.realites.org/?actio...cial_provinces )
What is the next part ? A full online map editor, no less.
I already have a perl script that parse a map image en return the list of all provinces found and their position on the image. (note : as this part can take a few minutes for large maps, I will probably release a separate version of this script so only the results can be uploaded)
By using then a jpeg or gif copy of the image, and CSS/javascript, I can display small icons on the image itself in the web browser, make them clicable to select the province, change the color of the numbers of the selected province's neighbours, display the province settings, and finally make them editable (you could add a commander with bodyguards, units, magic items, custom magic skills, and even a random commander, you could even use the existing preset provinces, set the province terrain types, ...)
The current map editor ingame is useful, but it only allows to edit neighbours and basic terrain types, and editing map files directly without the map image (and corresponding province numbers shown) is sometimes fastidious.
At worst, I could have a predefined list of map image file already parsed, and give public access to the editor.
More that a map editor, it will be in fact a scenario editor, where you could also set starting points/provinces/preset computers players , ...
The question is : is it worst the time to do ? I already started working on this project, but if there is already another editor project, or if there not enough people that think they would like such a tool, maybe my time could be better used programming something else ?
So who thinks such a tool would be really useful ?
(note : I can take questions about what I plan to do, or suggestions of features)