Originally Posted by WraithLord
Example: Add mod commands for including categories/tags/weights to spells.
Maybe there could be an even simpler version of this. Somewhere in the source code there are probably some numbers--just ordinary, typed-out integers that are fed into the spell-selection AI algorithms. Let the game optionally read each of these from a mod. This is probably easy. I don't care how old the code is or how much they hate changing it--even so, it's probably still easy! Right? Maybe it'd take a few hours to invent a new mod command for each parameter. It might be a hassle. But how could it be hard? Well, maybe it could be. There's probably some way in which it could be. But I bet it's not!
And if every spell's priority parameters are represented as raw numbers like this, then this one, allegedly easy change would solve a big bunch of the tactical AI problems. Well, maybe it's not that simple. Maybe there are special algorithms for every spell, rather than special integers. But still, those special algorithms probably have raw numbers in them
somewhere that they could probably pretty easily be taught to read from a mod.
Or maybe it would actually be easier to add a new system ("add a new system", always the badge of doom in a suggestion for game changes) to let players just specify one new number per spell. Just one little multiplier that'd modify the spell's priority just before the "last moment" in the prioritizing algorithm. Like, if Decay (spell #639) is cast too much, and Horror Mark (#637) too much, and Prison of Fire (#657) too little, then you might put in your mod:
#modifyspellpriority 639 60
#modifyspellpriority 637 75
#modifyspellpriority 657 150
where the latter numbers are multipliers in the form of percentages. That would be awesome.
Originally Posted by WraithLord
I encourage all who stumble unto this thread to list the spells they think are used too little/much.
I claim that in general, spells that work against magic resistance are used too much, and extremely powerful death-and-disablement spells are used too much, while spells with a small, sure benefit are used too rarely. A demilich in a nation that has researched Disintegrate is sometimes weaker than a D2 mage in a nation that only knows Raise Skeletons, because of this. Raise Skeletons is sometimes much better than Disintegrate, and Drain Life is often also better, but the mage will usually choose Disintegrate anyway. A necromancer priest will try to banish enemy undead, even though they've been encased in lead, rather than casting frickin Wither Bones on them, even though Wither Bones is IRRESISTIBLE. Wither Bones and Dust to Dust are badly neglected. Fire mages cast Blindness, rather than Incinerate. Incinerate is badly neglected. Air mages cast Confusion, rather than Lightning. Confusion is sometimes great but Lightning is often better. Personal Regeneration is neglected by dying nature mages. And yeah there is too much encasement in ice.
Hmm... most of my notes there concern enemies with high magic resistance, and single, extremely powerful enemies. Yeah, the dreaded "new system" is probably needed. A modder probably can't fix all this stuff without being able to base spell priorities on enemy magic resistance and the strength of the strongest enemy target. A simple, universal modification to the priority of a single spell probably wouldn't be enough. But... it might still help a lot.
Alternatively, maybe just one "small" change that drops priority for a spell blockable by magic resistance when the target has high magic resistance would do the trick, in many of these cases. And then the Dust to Dust castings I covet would naturally emerge on their own. Take that Tartarians!
I like the idea of giving different personalities to different mages, also. I think that would add good complexity to the game, and not bad complexity. (By contrast, ideas that involve new ways of controlling mages, "Cast Supporting Spells" and "Cast Damaging Spells" commands and such, could easily add bad complexity to the player's experience.) But... "new system"