The sun is setting on the Mictlan Empire, and the sky is red. The red of fire, and the red of blood. From the top of the palace (a 17 step pyramid that is now also, of course, the most Holy Temple of the Mictlan Faith), two small figures watch the sunset. Tacticus Sanguinus, God of the Mictlans, turns to his new chambellan. The man is kneeling, and doing his best to stay very, very still.
- A good omen of things to come. My reign starts under the most favorable auspices.
- Indeed it does, O Mighty One.
- You have, I believe, being chambellan here a long time ?
- Since before the days of your predecessor. I served his predecessor before him, although not in so exalted a position, O Great God.
- So you remember the old days, and the old ways ?
- Indeed I do, Most Powerful of Lords.
The God considers a moment. Then he pats the old man on the shoulder.
- You may keep your heart, then, and serve me in that office.
- I am honored, O Most Ben.. Tenacious One.
With his head still bent low, the man has nonetheless felt .... something ... And with the promptitude of tongue that marks only the best chambellans, those that keep their tongues, he changed his words, without faltering. The God reflects on this, and find it good. He still has many good servants to find, a charismatic prophet, cunning generals, talented priests... but he has already found a very good chambellan. And that, too, is a good omen.
- I have much to ponder. Dispose of the remains.
- As you command, O Wisest One.
And the chambellan goes to find some servants. Meanwhile, the God looks a Last time on his predecessor , the Lawgiver, late king of Mictlan. He is lying on his back on the altar at the top of the pyramid. The great wound where his heart used to be proclaims that the old ways are back.
This is the tale of my conquests as Tacticus Sanguinus, God of the Mictlans (and other silly randomly generated titles omitted here)
It will be, or so I hope, a story of glorious and bloody conquest, and utter triumph over my enemies
Before you ask, the details :
Tacticus Sanguinus
Smoking Mirror Pretendor, ruler of the Mictlans
Magic : 9 Fire, 4 Blood, 4 Death
Castle : Fortress
Dominion 7, Turmoil 3, Heat 1, Growth 1, Luck 1, Drain 1, no special theme.
World War Scenario, 339 provinces, all 17 nations, all impossible AIs
I welcome any and all comments, and all general strategy advice. I have extensively played Ulm, and Pythium and Marignon a bit, but never Mictlan before. I hope I can cope with a lack of armored troops