Now as I start the generate random campaign, pick the time and countries and go to purchase screen and start buying units I canīt delete them anymore after they hit the list. So if I buy A T-72 company and decide to take a platoon out of it, thereīs a message that says: "canīt delete existing core formation". So if I want to reduce company size or delete unwanted or mis-clicked units, I canīt do it at all before the first battle. However when I finish my first generated campaign battle and go to the repair and expand core-screen, I can again delete these existing core-formations having only the question: "delete existing core formation? Y/N?".
And when I start a custom-made campaign, say the silver lions, I can delete the formations before the first battle simply by clicking and having the question: "delete existing core formation? Y/N?".
Also Battle generator works the way it used to, so only problem is generating a random campaign.
Is this meant to be in the game? Iīve never encountered this kind of problem before.