Dud units / monsters / summons
This thread was inspired by Xietor's complaints about the pale ones, dicussion about 'dud nations', discussion of the CB mod and the changes it makes and a number of other things people have said on here. I really hate the idea of dud units in a game, but in Dom3 it seems there are many. Actually I think quite a few are fixed in the CB mod, but for the moment let's see what we can agree on.
So, which units are duds? They can be summoned, recruitable, indies etc.
Couple of things other people have said on here before, just to get the ball rolling...
- EA Ulmish warriors who have two weapons but bad ambidexterity bonus leaving them wit awful attack.
- Pale One soldiers for MA Agartha have terrible attack and numerous other problems (including old age?) there's a thread about this.
- Spear armed huskarl of Helheim (I think) is never ever worth buying because his nearest equivalents are much better at very little change of cost.
And remember to say /why/ you think they're duds :]