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Old February 7th, 2010, 01:58 PM
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cleveland cleveland is offline
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Default Feb25 Update - Calling All Tourists! - MA Oceania DAR - Chapter 13

Hello, and welcome to the very first During Action Report!

What is a During Action Report (DAR)?
A DAR is precisely what it sounds like: a living AAR for an MP game that is continually updated each turn as the game progresses.

This DAR will be for MA Oceania in the Tophats MP game that recently started.

How does it work?
I will provide my .trn and .2h files to anybody interested in following the game ("tourists" - thanks for the idea Gandalf!), and give a brief rundown of each turn in this thread. These updates will surely be chock full of piercing insights & hilarious commentary ().

There will be a 2-turn delay, to keep outsiders from submitting unauthorized turns.

How to I participate?
You already are! All reports will be right here, possibly indexed if I have the patience for it. All files will also be here, if you really want to follow along at home [if you're new to MP, just download the files & unzip into a folder within your dominions3/savedgames folder; it'll then show up under your existing games]. If you don't yet have Dominions 3, don't worry, I'm sure some these fine individuals will get you a copy in exchange for money.

***TO VIEW THE TURNS*** you must unzip this file into your dominions3/mods folder:
Tophats Mods.zip
and unzip this file into your dominions3/maps folder:

Won't providing all your files ruin the game?
This has been made possible by the gracious cooperation of the fine gentlemen of the Tophats game. These scholars, recognizing the need to encourage our younger generations of Dominions players to take the MP plunge, have all agreed not to glance at this thread or otherwise communicate with you tourists regarding this thread. Therefore the games integrity is intact, allowing me to divulge all the juicy details of my flawed strategies for your amusement.

Why are you doing this?
Lots of folks give back to this great community - some make mod nations, some make maps, some write guides, some admin MP games, etc. This is my own paltry attempt to give a little back. I figure this is a great way to show those new to the game, or those on the MP fence, what the MP game is really like without having to commit. Cause let's face it, volunteering for your first MP game is a bit intimidating. Hopefully this will take the Fear of the Unknown out of it, and encourage a few new faces to join our MP ranks.

Plus it's really ****ing cold where I live, so it'll give me something to do until Spring


So I invite everyone to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. If you have any ideas on how to improve the implementation I've suggested, let me know!

I'll try to keep the updates simple for those new to the game, but strongly encourage vets to participate. If you have any questions, suggestions, criticisms, etc, please feel free to speak up. This is supposed to be a learning experience, at least for me


Pretender Build
Chapter 1: Where do we begin?
Chapter 2: Meet the Neighbors

Chapter 3: The Annexation of Puerto Rico

Chapter 4: Who ordered the squid?
Chapter 5: Death of a Heroman
Chapter 6: Valentine's Day Massacre
Chapter 7: Slow News Day
Chapter 8: Vine Ripened
Chapter 9: The Best Laid Plans

Chapter 10: Coming of the Capricorns

Chapter 11: The Awakening
Chapter 12: The Calm before The Storm

Chapter 13: The Die is Cast


Last edited by cleveland; February 25th, 2010 at 11:49 PM..
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