With this "Last" patch for SEIV I fear it marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
We have nothing else to look forward to from Malfador in way of support for Space Empires IV and the long journey toward the release of Space Empires V has begun.
I have been playing Space Empires IV since its demo release back in August 2000 and it is argueably the most played game on my PC and in the history of my PC gaming life.
I love this game for many reasons, most are well known and equal to many of yours. The game has taken on a life of its own, a self feeding monster that is a highly addictive, life sucking, time stealing black hole of biblical proportions.
A warning label should come with this game, and indeed with Space Empires V that warns buyers of its addicitive life alterning properties.
I can't help but feel a little sad in knowning that we have crossed the top of the mountain and are now on our way down the back slop. It has been a great journey and one that I am forever thankful for haven taken.
I own Aaron and Shrapnel a big thank you for SEIV and the support for this communitee. Without Aaron we would not have this great game. (And the beta testers too.

). Without Shrapnels support we would not have these forums, and the community that now calls this place its home page.
There is still time for those of you who have not yet purchased SEIV Gold. The time is right for you now, buy this game and enjoy all that it has to offer. Don't let this jem slip through your fingers. You have no idea what you are missing.
The rest of us know what we will be missing as the game slowly runs it course and its little brother comes alive.
This game is a dream come to life, and I sincerely doubt that it will ever be equaled, except by SE V or later.
[ February 27, 2004, 17:21: Message edited by: Atrocities ]