you have to use a keyboard shortcut to add waypoints.
the shortcut is... ahhh umn....
take a look in options, you can change keyboard short cuts in there, so it will show you there somewhere the current shortcut.
yes, extreme temperatures is a known bug.
so is the fleet movement.
I've moaned about the setting intel for defense being too many clicks, it should be the same as setting it for a project - just click the bar, if you moan to Aaron about it to it may help.
graphic problems - try running under safe memory mode - set this in the setup menu(which is in the first menu you get when you start the game up).
also - if you're sending Aaron a bug, include a savegame if possable, he tends to take more notice if he has a savegame.
and feel free to send him savegames and bug reports on already knowen bugs too