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Old July 8th, 2007, 01:29 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: updated - took out \"lists\"

updated city of the dead - took out lists
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Old July 8th, 2007, 01:29 PM

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Default Re: updated - took out \"lists\"

updated secluded temple - took out "lists"
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Old July 8th, 2007, 02:50 PM

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Default 4 quick ones

4 more quick provinces

Arachnid forests - low level rewards, spiders, black spider leader w/random items

Troll Caverns - low rewards, trolls, troll king leader w/random items

Unfortunate Crossroads - SC encounter, heavily equipped Grey lord with a few phantasmal knights for company

Mountain of Gods - Heavy SC encounter, 8-10 Norse Gods and Goddesses armed to the teeth and brimming with power, good site rewards
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File Type: zip 534899-jutetrea GAN_arach_troll_xroads_gods.zip (2.2 KB, 125 views)
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Old July 8th, 2007, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: 4 quick ones

Great jutetrea!

I made some minor changes to some of the file names for placement. I noticed that you are using "Common" on most of your provinces. Common = Multi (_M_) which would allow the province to be placed multiple times on the same map. When a province has a single name, I much prefer to use "Unique" (_U_) which means that it can only appear once on a map.

Also, keep in mind that when using "Add" (_A_), the commanders and units are added to the defenders that Dom3 places. This can result in some really strange mixes. Anytime I change the population type, I try to use "Replace" (_R_) and add appropriate defenders to match the pop type selected. I really wish we could set pop type before Dom3 assigns defenders.

Thanks again!

I am now nearly finished getting the next round of updates in place. I suspect that I will be able to release the new versions before I call it a night.
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor
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Old July 8th, 2007, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: 4 quick ones

Can we get better valley recognition? At the moment its two ways out? Can we check for those two not connecting to each other? And then maybe add "box canyon" for the others?

Do we have one way out? Are we making those caves?
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Old July 8th, 2007, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: 4 quick ones

Can we get better valley recognition? At the moment its two ways out? Can we check for those two not connecting to each other? And then maybe add "box canyon" for the others?

Do we have one way out? Are we making those caves?

We should have a GAN file for "lost" that uses the new random site lists to make sure that a lost is filled with sites. Not caring what sites they are, just that they should be full.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 05:36 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: 4 quick ones

Ah, never thought about the replace/add feature. R is what I would want at all times then, thought that would be the default.

on the Unique/common standpoint the low level stuff should be repeatable, but maybe only a few. For instance, I don't see why there can't be 4 or 5 spider provinces in a 400 province map. On the other hand, there should only be one city of the dead with a big named dracolich, so unique. Is there a way to moderate how many of the commons are placed within their province type constraints? For instance, even if hitting 100% randomized I wouldn't want every forest to be a spider forest.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 08:08 PM

Stryke11 Stryke11 is offline
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Default Re: 4 quick ones

Wow, lots of gans! This next release is going to be great!

Oh, I didn't know about the add/replace either, though in my province it might actually make it better to have extra troops...unless they're amazons, which would be...weird.

Hey, the command that takes away the randomly assigned sites to make room for your custom ones...is that included in the editor, or do I have to add that line (and what is it?) manually? Thanks!!
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Old July 8th, 2007, 09:04 PM

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Default Re: 4 quick ones

When you're choosing sites from the drop down you'll see

"known" above the dropdown and to the left


"killfeatures" above the dropdown to the right

or add #killfeatures manually on the line above your sites

edit: and yeah, when all the questions are answered simple sites are real easy and quick. Very very nice tool.

Now to just figure out how to have a 200 province map and get about 50-60 of these sites in.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: 4 quick ones

quickie list of map commands such as are used in the programs:

3.1 #dom2title <text> The title of the map.
3.2 #imagefile <filename> The image file of the map

4.1 #scenario This command tags the map as a scenario
4.2 #description "<text>" The description of the map
4.3 #neighbour <province nbr> <provincenbr> Makes it possible to move
4.4 #nostart <province nbr> Tags a province as unstartable.
4.5 #terrain <province nbr> <terraintype> Sets the terrain of a province.

*** #defaultmapzoom <nbr> default view usually 1.00-5.00
5.1 #maptextcol <red> <green> <blue><alpha>
5.2 #allowedplayer <nation nbr> Makes this nation one of the allowed
5.3 #landplayers <> no affect in Dom3
5.4 #seaplayers <> no affect in Dom3
5.5 #features <0-100> Sets the magic site frequency.
5.6 #start <province nbr> By creating at least one start location for each
5.7 #specstart <nation nbr> <provincenbr> specific nation to a specific start
5.8 #nohomelandnames home lands no longer named for nations
5.9 #computerplayer <nation nbr> <difficulty>
5.10 #cannotwin <nation nbr> This nation will not granted the win
5.11 #victorycondition <condition nbr><attribute>
5.12 #victorypoints <province nbr> <1-7> number of VP this province is worth
5.13 #god <nation nbr> "<commandertype>" pre-select the god of this nation
5.14 #scale_chaos <nation nbr> <(-3)-3> Forces the dominion scale
5.15 #dominionstr <nation nbr> <1-10> dominion strength of a nation
5.16 #landname <province nbr>"<name>" sets name of a specific province.
5.17 #nonamefilter disable Map filter that displays province names
5.18 #allies <player> <player> specific AI will not attack AI
5.19 #startspell <player> "spell name" nation with spell preresearched.

6.1 #land <province nbr> kill off province and allow settings
6.2 #setland <province nbr> do not kill province but do allow settings
6.3 #commander "<commander type>" place commander and allow settings
6.4 #comname "<name>" overwrites the active commander's random name
6.5 #bodyguards <nbr of guards>"<type>" Gives bodyguards to commander.
6.6 #units <nbr of units> "<type>" squad of soldiers to commander.
6.7 #clearmagic Removes all magic skills from the active commander.
6.8 #xp <0-900> Gives experience points to the active commander.
6.9 #mag_astral <level> Gives magic ability to the active commander.
6.10 #randomequip <0-4> Gives random magic items to commander.
6.11 #additem "<item name>" give specific item to commander
6.12 #killfeatures Removes all magic sites from the active commander.
6.13 #feature "<site name>" Puts a magic site in the active province.
6.14 #knownfeature "<site name>" a found magic site in province.
6.15 #fort "<fort type>" Puts a fort in the active province.
6.16 #temple Puts a temple in the active province.
6.17 #lab Puts a laboratory in the active province.
6.18 #owner <nation nbr> Changes the ownership of the active province.
6.19 #unrest <0-500> Sets the unrest level of the active province.
6.20 #population <0-50000> population number of the active province.
6.21 #poptype <poptype nbr> Sets the population type of the active nation.
6.22 #defence <0-125> Sets the province defence of the active nation.

added note:
use of #owner can cause units listed after that line to patrol a castle
rather than defend it (making it harder to take). Using 23 can create
independent patrollers. Use of a nation not matching the owner of the
province can create seigers.

*** at this time:
The random map generator will put in a default map zoom, but not a map
text color. The map editor will put in a map text color but it deletes
commands it doesnt recognize such as default map zoom
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